Essentials To Consider In Your Website Design Brief
When clients provide a detailed brief, we streamline the entire process of fact finding and coming up with a siutable web design proposal and quote. It's a win-win and tends to ensure that you...
Principles of Effective Website Design
A website's design is not just about aesthetics as some designers might have you beleive; it's a powerful tool to convey your message, and turn visitors into customers. Key elements such as...
Visual Design Is Behind The Success of a Business Website
Capturing attention online and building trust in your brand demands something more than a few pictures and a logo thrown together. If you want your customers to view you as professional then a...
What Is Involved With WordPress Maintenance & Is It Important?
At Qi / Peterborough Website Design we use WordPress. It's the world's most popular web content management system for a very good reason - it is highly flexible. It is popular with small business...
Optimising Your Google Business Profile: 10 Simple Rules
In the competitive world of local Google listings, having a strong online presence is normally crucial for a businesses, but it is surprising how many either don't bother or do it badly. Your...
The Relevance and Importance of Responsive Design
In the ever-changing world of online, the importance of Responsive Web Design cannot be overstated. As an experienced website and design agency based in Peterborough, UK, we explore the evolution...